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Section 1.       The name of this Association shall be: "TENNESSEE BUILDING OFFICIAL'S ASSOCIATION"



Section 1.       The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and encourage effective and efficient Codes Enforcement service for municipalities, counties, and the State of Tennessee.

Section 2.       The Association shall encourage and improve communication and cooperation between Code Enforcement Officials.

Section 3.       The Association shall cooperate with other Tennessee, Regional and National organizations in their efforts to serve the people of Tennessee.

Section 4.       The Association shall promote the establishment of high standards of ethics and professionalism in its members.



There shall be the following classes of members:

Section 1.        Active Membership

An active member is defined as any full time employee, who works at least twenty hours per week, of a governmental unit or agency. An active member must be engaged in the administration, formulation and enforcement of codes and ordinances relating to building construction. Such employee shall be actively engaged in the enforcement or administration of the adopted building codes and related ordinances of the governmental unit. In no case shall a governmental unit be entitled to more than one active membership, except jurisdictions having separate agencies engaged in the above activities, in which case the Board of Directors may classify such separate agencies as active members.

Section 2.        Associate Membership

Associate Membership may be either professional or organizational.

2.1       Professional – Professional Associate Membership may be held in the Association by any person engaged in the practice of architecture, engineering, or other activities related to building construction who is interested in principles and objectives of the Association.                

2.2       Professional Artisan – Professional Artisan Membership may be held by Contract Inspectors, Commercial Contractors, Home Builders or any Mechanic engaged in the construction industry.

2.3       Organizational – Organizational associate membership may be held in the Association by any organization, association, institute, corporation, manufacturer of other similar groups, interested in the principles and objectives of the Association.

Section 3.        Other Membership

3.1       Student - Student membership may be held in the Association by an individual enrolled in classes or a course of study occupying at least twelve hours of instruction per week.

3.2       Subscription - Subscription membership may be held in the Association by any individual, jurisdiction or organization wanting to receive mailings only.

3.3       Retired - Retired membership may be held by any former active member who has retired.

3.4       Honorary - Honorary membership may be held by any person who has rendered outstanding service to the Association. An honorary member shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and confirmed by a majority of the active membership. Honorary members shall be voting members.


Annual dues are payable on January 1 of each year, unless modified by a two-thirds vote of the membership at its annual meeting. The membership year is January 1 - December 31. Membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors.



All Membership privileges shall be in accordance with the following:

Section 1.        Voting

Only Active Members shall be entitled to vote, and they are limited to votes according to the following:

Population                                         Votes

less than 25,000                                     2

25,000 - 100,000                                    5

100,001 - 200,000                                 10

more than 200,000                                20

Only designated voting members are entitled to vote for any jurisdiction and each jurisdiction's votes are further limited by the number of voting members present.

Section 2.        Motion

In order to assure fair and appropriate jurisdiction of all pertinent concerns any active, associate, retired or honorary member may make or second a motion.

Section 3.        Eligibility for Board of Directors and Committees

3.1       Associates and only active members are eligible for nomination and election to the Board of Directors. The only exception being the Associate member of the Board of Directors as specified in Section 3.2.

3.2       Two Associate members shall serve on the Board of Directors. These positions shall be non-voting members of the Board of Directors.

3.3       Any member may serve on appointed committees.



Section 1.        The Officers of the Association shall be active members of the Association, except as provided for in Article V, Section 3.2, elected as provided in Article VI, Section II and shall consist of:

(a)       President

(b)       First Vice president (who shall be deemed to be President Elect)

(c)       Second Vice President

(d)       Treasurer

(e)       Secretary

(f)        Immediate Past President

(g)       Associate Representatives

1.1 Associate Representatives are non-voting.

1.2 Board of Directors must be elected and assume office at the end of the closing business meeting as the last item under New Business. The Board of Directors must be elected by a majority of the membership present.

Section 2.        All officers shall be elected at the Association's Annual Meeting. All officers shall hold office for a term of one year. Any officer may be re-elected to succeed themselves without limitation except the President and 1st Vice President who may serve only two consecutive terms of office.

(Exception) Should the Board of Directors determine an emergency or other special situation exists, it may then ask the membership at an Annual Meeting to vote by a simple majority of those present and voting to allow the President and/or 1st Vice-President one additional term of service. Upon an affirmative vote by the membership present and voting a presiding President and/or 1st Vice-President may then be nominated, and if elected may then serve a third term.                                                                                          

Section 3.        The governing body of the Association shall be the Board of Directors and shall consist of the officers as set forth in Article VI, Section 1.

Section 4.        No officer may serve in more than one capacity of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.        Any vacancy in an office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. Vacancies in office shall be deemed to exist if the incumbent leaves government services, or by resignation from office.



Each year the Board of Directors shall appoint an Advisory Committee. The President may appoint a Chair.

PAST PRESIDENTS COMMITTEE Each year the Past Presidents of the TBOA will serve as a special advisory committee to the President of TBOA. Each year the President of TBOA will determine the responsibilities of this committee.



Section 1.        The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

Section 2.        Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Board of Directors upon at least ten (10) days’ notice to the members of the time and place of such meeting.

Section 3.        At any annual or special meeting of the Association those in attendance shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4.        At meetings, or when voting on any matter is by mail, the will of the Association shall be determined by the majority of those members voting.

Section 5.        The Rules of Order and Parliamentary procedure contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the transaction of business by and before the Association in all cases not specifically provided for in these bylaws.



These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members in attendance providing the proposed amendment is submitted to all state chapter presidents (60) days in advance, to the Board of Directors thirty (30) days in advance of any annual meeting, or at any annual meeting by three-fourths votes without any previous notice.


TBOA Bylaws eff. 4/4/97.  Revised 6/03/08.  Revised 4/23/2007.  Revised 4/6/2001 w/Amendment to Article VII.  Revised 4/7/2004 w/amendment, Revised 4/20/2009. Revised May 2015. Revised April 2019. Revised 4/24/2023 amendment to Article IV Dues.

©2025 by Tennessee Building Officials Association.

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